The earth is our home and source of life

We decided to dedicate the rest of our lives to becoming part of the solution. For this purpose, we founded the Word Ethic Forum. Behind the World Ethic Forum is a growing team and many large and small partner organisations. People led by the heart, younger and older generations, activists, authors, scientists, national councillors, film-makers, artists and philosophers... During the year, the core team coordinates the strategic and construction work. As soon as the events get closer, our implementation team, including the volunteers, will grow by up to 40 more people.


Core Team

Linard Bardill
Externally, Linard is the managing director, and internally the enthusiastic one as well as the grumpy anti-Zoomer. His focus lies on administration, fundraising and strategy.
This transformation of our consciousness, the realization that we are one with the Earth, is for me one of the decisive landmarks on the path to continued human existence on this wonderful Earth. Linard Bardill is one of the most successful and celebrated public figures from the Swiss performing arts and children’s music scene. He campaigns relentlessly for a future suitable for our grandchildren. He visits children who are spending time in hospital or in rehabilitation centres as an ambassador of the foundation Kinderhilfe Sternschnuppe with his magical lullabies. He ran for office in the government of Graubünden with the goal of advocating fair economics and schools that unleash the full potential of their pupils; achieving reasonable success.
More about Linard >
Luea Ritter
Luea is a process designer and an inquisitive field weaver. As a co-visionary, she primarily focuses on hosting and facilitation, supporting the Firekeeper circle, and managing the event program. Through Participatory Action Research, she also contributes to the development of the World Ethic Forum as a researcher.
Luea Ritter works internationally across various sectors to guide and design holistic transition processes that embrace the challenge and potential of our times. She thrives within complexity, and through a diverse medley of fields has developed a high sensitivity for context-based social dynamics. She weaves societal change practices, trauma and healing work, leadership and Earth-based wisdom traditions to cultivate capacities in individuals and collectives. Until 2022 she was part of collaboratio Helvetica, an initiative that catalyses systemic change towards the societal transformation of Switzerland by cultivating a cross-sectoral innovation ecosystem, running different capacity-building programmes and an open knowledge sharing platform. She serves as co-founder and creative steward of Collective Transitions, an action-learning and research organization dedicated to building shared capacity for transformational shifts.
More about Luea >
Dr. Anaïs Sägesser
With keen mind and big heart, Anaïs navigates the spaces between ideas, people, and the more-than-human world. As a process designer and attentive field weaver, she co-hosts the Firekeeper circle and as reflective practitioner engages in participatory action research, helping to shape the unfolding journey of the World Ethic Forum.
Anaïs is a thoughtful and intuitive guide who loves supporting groups through transformative learning journeys. Her work focuses on helping people reconnect with themselves, each other, nature, and the deeper, more subtle aspects of life. She opens and co-holds a space for personal growth, community involvement, and positive social change, all while promoting equity and transforming systems. Anaïs thrives in collaborative, transdisciplinary efforts and reflects her practice continuously also in scholarly environments. She's co-founder of scaling4good, an organization working for systems change that nurtures life within our planet’s limits. She also serves as lecturer at different universities and serves on the boards of RCE-Zurich, td-net, the Advisory Board of re-source ZHdK, and as Chair of Trustees at the Mahadevi Yoga Centre.
More about Anaïs >
Greta Pace Buch
Greta holds and joins the threads of our communications together, working towards a coherent weave that is as dynamic and alive as what's inside.
A generalist at heart, Greta currently inhabits the worlds of early education, marketing, and coaching, with some artistic projects knocking on her shoulder for attention. Throughout her work she helps humans and organisations to see themselves, be seen and understood.
More about Greta >
LinkedInPersonal Website
Sylvia Wyrsch
Sylvia relieves the management team from administrative issues so that they can concentrate on the core issues of WEFo.
Yvonne Guldimann
Yvonne is our event manager. She is sifting & sorting out the details. She has in depth experience on stage as well as behind the scenes, focussing on a smooth run & wellbeing throughout the happening.
Yvonne is a passionate event organiser. She coordinates festivals and events such as Uhuru on the Solothurn Weissenstein, the Kulturnacht or the Humour Days in Liestal and is sometimes a co-initiator. As a project manager, she supports artists and cultural events. From her artistic work, she has grown into project management. Her roots lie in movement, dance and language, in art, culture and nature.
More about Yvonne >
Erich Züger
Erich looks after our team of volunteers and friends of the World Ethic Forum. He also makes sure our event food concepts are filled with shared aliveness.
Transformation is the constant in Erich's life: from economist and financial advisor, he has become an entrepreneur and activist and has moved from working to contributing. As the founder of Balboa Gyms, Erich has helped shape the movement culture in Zurich. Working in the community and eating plant-based food enabled further transformations, and since 2023 he has dedicated himself to ecological and spiritual aspects of food.
More about Erich >


Extended Team

Marie-Pascale Gafinen
Generative Scribing
Marie-Pascale supports the World Ethic Forum through Generative Scribing. She listens with her ears, her body and her heart, lets everything go through her and expresses it in a large scale drawing. Through her work she brings out what is already tangible but yet spoken out. Marie-Pascale is an illustrator and scribe helping others to bring positive change into the world. With a background in graphic design and Environment and Bioresources Management, she focuses on the visualization of sustainability topics. Her approach is to condense the information and pour it into concise hand-drawn illustrations that raise awareness, facilitate understanding and inspire action. As a member of the 'communicating climate' network run by the organization 'klimafakten', she shares her experience in lectures and workshops to help others improve their climate communication. She is also a Co-Faculty at the u-school for Transformation at the Presencing Institute / MIT, where she teaches how to use visuals for profound transformation. Marie-Pascale is based in Hamburg, Germany and works with clients across Europe.
More about Marie-Pascale >
LinkedIn PagePersonal Website
Godelieve Spaas
By sharing yet unheard stories and walking untrodden paths, we allow interdependent systems to reveal themselves, to be interpreted and to become a platform for ethical decisions in everyday organizational reality. Godelieve Spaas is professor new economy at Avans university of applied science, co-founder of the Wire Group - Venturing for Impact, a board member of Herenboeren Nederland and Deputy Director of the Pari Center in Italy. She is a researcher, maker, performer and writer and engages with radical new economic practices and theories and proposes alternative economic narratives and entrepreneurial principles. Researching and creating new ways of entrepreneurial organizing in Europe and Africa deepened her insight into how to combine worlds that are often separated such as art, science, indigenous knowledge, nature and entrepreneurship. Her aim is to increase diversity in organizational and entrepreneurial models and realities with a view to the development of a fairer entrepreneurial space.
More about Godelieve >
Pius Tschumi
President of the Association WorldEthicForum
Pius Tschumi is the Director of the Mühlerama Museum in Zurich. He organises exhibitions on topical issues relating to food production and consumption for the historic industrial mill which doubles as a food museum. He mainly deals with matters concerning the global food system. His diverse interests at all levels benefit him in this respect. After a crucial experience as a member of the Museum of Fine Arts Chur Action Committee in 2017, he wants to assume responsibility and influences political processes. He would like to continue his commitment by participating in the WorldEthicForum in Pontresina.
More about Pius >
Beat Schenkel
Vegan cook for our 2024 event The Heart of Change
A self-confessed generalist, one of Beat's many talents is creating hearty, healthy and delicious vegan food. Praised for his peaceful presence, warm smile and musical interludes, Beat makes sure that our food energises body and spirit.
More about Beat >
Sonja Schenkel
Space Designer for The Heart of Change
Sonja understands her work as a dialogue between mind and material, humans and other beings. Feeling and listening to the place and its previous inhabitants are essential before responding to aesthetic and practical necessities. Born with a strong connection to plants and perceiving color and materials through sounds influences most of her processes. Sonja is the founder of the Library for a Happy Future and lead the art-science thank Storytex. As an artist and PhD in Sustainable Development, she explores how different and conflictive narratives can be mediated into a shared space by combining sensory experiences with science and traditional knowledge. Sonja is the founder of the Library for a Happy Future and lead the art-science thank Storytex. She also serves on the the Advisory Board of re-source ZHdK. Her artistic work in textiles and film has been shown in Switzerland and internationally.
More about Sonja >
Personal Website

The first years

A special thank you goes to Selina Lucarelli (2019-2023), Niki Wiese (2021-2023) and Marco Gyger (2022 - June 2024) for their development work in the first core team. Many thanks also to Christa Hermann for her contribution to the 2024 event as well as Georgia Hauser, Simona Degiacomi and Nancy Zamierowski for their contribution to Forum 2022.

Also in the founding period between 2019-2021, a large number of friends and renowned minds supported us in sharpening the vision of the WorldEthicForum and bringing the project into the world. We would like to thank the following people from the bottom of our hearts:

Corin Curschellas, musician and singer
Ditti Bürgin-Brook, film producer, lecturer and speaker
Doris Ragettli, founder of the global petition for a UN Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth
Fridolin Stähli, Germanist and nature ethicist
Hansjörg Hosch, ENT specialist and politician (green, direct democrat)
Lukas Niederberger, philosopher, theologian and publicist
Paul Martin Scherer, entrepreneur
Rosmarie Wydler-Wälti, Co-President of KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and parenting and couples counsellor
Susanne Sugimoto, Managing Director of Sugimoto Consulting
Thomas Hagmann, coach and organisational consultant
Violette Ruppanner, economist, organisational consultant and moderator
Walter Lietha, antiquarian bookseller and singer
Alessandro Della Vedova, former President of GR / CVP
Andreas Reinhart, entrepreneur and philanthropist
Anna Giacometti, National Councillor GR / FDP
Anna Stünzi, President of the think tank foraus
Jon Pult, National Councillor GR / SP
Marionna Schlatter, National Councillor ZH / Greens
Martin Meuli, Head of the ZH Children's Hospital Surgery
Martin Ott, President of the FiBL Foundation and member of the Fint