The earth is our home and source of life
We decided to dedicate the rest of our lives to becoming part of the solution. For this purpose, we founded the Word Ethic Forum. Behind the World Ethic Forum is a growing team and many large and small partner organisations. People led by the heart, younger and older generations, activists, authors, scientists, national councillors, film-makers, artists and philosophers... During the year, the core team coordinates the strategic and construction work. As soon as the events get closer, our implementation team, including the volunteers, will grow by up to 40 more people.
Core Team
Extended Team
The first years
A special thank you goes to Selina Lucarelli (2019-2023), Niki Wiese (2021-2023) and Marco Gyger (2022 - June 2024) for their development work in the first core team. Many thanks also to Christa Hermann for her contribution to the 2024 event as well as Georgia Hauser, Simona Degiacomi and Nancy Zamierowski for their contribution to Forum 2022.
Also in the founding period between 2019-2021, a large number of friends and renowned minds supported us in sharpening the vision of the WorldEthicForum and bringing the project into the world. We would like to thank the following people from the bottom of our hearts:
Corin Curschellas, musician and singer
Ditti Bürgin-Brook, film producer, lecturer and speaker
Doris Ragettli, founder of the global petition for a UN Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth
Fridolin Stähli, Germanist and nature ethicist
Hansjörg Hosch, ENT specialist and politician (green, direct democrat)
Lukas Niederberger, philosopher, theologian and publicist
Paul Martin Scherer, entrepreneur
Rosmarie Wydler-Wälti, Co-President of KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and parenting and couples counsellor
Susanne Sugimoto, Managing Director of Sugimoto Consulting
Thomas Hagmann, coach and organisational consultant
Violette Ruppanner, economist, organisational consultant and moderator
Walter Lietha, antiquarian bookseller and singer
Alessandro Della Vedova, former President of GR / CVP
Andreas Reinhart, entrepreneur and philanthropist
Anna Giacometti, National Councillor GR / FDP
Anna Stünzi, President of the think tank foraus
Jon Pult, National Councillor GR / SP
Marionna Schlatter, National Councillor ZH / Greens
Martin Meuli, Head of the ZH Children's Hospital Surgery
Martin Ott, President of the FiBL Foundation and member of the Fint