Working on the Torus of the World

by Linard Bardill,
on site, February 1st, 2023

«What’s the output, what’s the impact of the WorldEthicForum?», we are often asked. «Oh yes, let’s talk about it!», we respond.

We are working, or rather we are at work, on the Torus of the World, and the Torus of the World is where Pontresina is situated.

Of course we know that the Torus of the World can be anywhere, at any point on earth. But for us, right now, it’s Pontresina, the transition of the lines of force, where the force is passed from a receiver’s to a giver’s vessel, as in Chinese medicine: at the point where you close the celestial circuit with your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

At the point where the sky is short-circuited with the earth, where the forces rise from within the earth, then travel out and around, circling the earth and plunging back into the earth on the other side to recharge themselves with new power, new spirit and to emerge again in Pontresina. We are working on this Archimedean point, not in order to shake up the world off its hinges, but in order to connect, to hook into the rhythm, into the breath, into the power current of the earth. We call it an exploratory journey, a participatory action research towards a culture of radically shared aliveness.

«What does the work look like?» people ask me, and I can only stammer. Because it’s about events that are impossible to grasp the moment they happen, and hard to describe when they are over.

It’s about events, transitions, inversions that happen, surgeries at the open ear, at the place of listening, liberating and opening the throat, at the place of speaking. It’s about events that cannot be talked about and cannot be listened to, and yet only happen in listening and speaking, in perceiving and gathering.

«Something must be done, we must finally act». We have been hearing these demands for decades. Certain things have happened, but to a great extent the solutions we pursue are of similar grist as the problems. As humankind itself tries to save the world faster and faster, the situation becomes more and more confused. Because crisis and speed results in catastrophe.

Those who want to work on the torus of the world first work on the alignment of their own torus. The disorder of the world cannot be fought with one’s own disorder. Therefore our output is not to be understood primarily as a result, but as a process. A collective birthing of another reality that is already there but needs to be perceived. It is in perception that reality can be experienced. This other reality can happen if we focus the alignment on the lines of force and fields of the earth instead of problem solving, which means working on the individual and collective torus.

In the heart of the torus, inversion is the transformation and the alignment with what we call aliveness is powerful. In this place of the torus’ we cannot create anything in the sense of a creator, but things can come into clarity, sounds can become visible, images can become audible. We do not create this, and yet it is born. Born in perception, experienced in alignment, and in experience it occurs. In these moments and places of transition, things come into being while we are perceiving.

It can’t be the intention of those who want to contribute their own part to this event of perception, to this birth, to this event, to destroy it. Nobody, who is moved by it, could want that we prefer the success to the «come off», to sacrifice the becoming on the pyre of the result, to narrow the event horizon by numbers and figures, so that the appearing, the event itself cannot be perceived at all any more.

Of course, a car importer wants to know what good is being done with his good money. To understand this, he must be willing to think and feel in quanta, in transitions, in opposites.

Those who strive to become slow become effective. The light gets in where there are cracks and wounds. Love, clarity, joy are effects in the process of transformation and inversion. What happens on a small scale can also succeed on a large scale if it is interwoven with shared aliveness on a small scale.

The WorldEthicForum attracts people who are at the intersection of impact and effect in their consciousness.

The Firekeepers who share and further explore the core of the idea are, through and through, people who are active and first-person in places of realizing this shared aliveness. They dedicate their lives to re-hybridize seeds, to support farmers in their struggle for survival, to seed and harvest healthy food, to protect the rainforest and preserve biodiversity, they are healing mediators of ancient knowledge of indigenous peoples, they are active on all continents and know that the work can only be done in beauty and humility.

The WorldEthicForum is here to support them in their efforts and to give them the opportunity to bring and collect their experiences together in the field of transformation, this change of being, which goes far beyond a change that only takes place in consciousness. This creates bridges for all the people who want to be part of this research journey, who are longing for transformation where they live or who are part of the ones, already realizing it.

The torus of the world flows into the apple, into the tree, into the heart of each person. The work is tremendous, the meaning lies in consciousness, the truth dreams in the shadows and is as old as the earth.