Generative Scribing
October 12, 2022
by Marie-Pascale Gafinen
Here is an image of the whole (Generative) Scribing I did during the firekeeper meeting at the WorldEthicForum in Pontresina.
Some key points to describe my experience there:
🌱 Radically shared aliveness: Acknowledging that every living being – a plant, a human, an animal, a forest, a river – is a subject and has rights. Natural rights, that were non given to them by humans. Then advocating for these rights.
🌎 A circle of firekeepers from all over the world and from all walks of life, advocating for living beings in one way or another.
🏔 Humans honoring the land, their ancestors and their communities of origin, the field that they represent.
💫 Individuals slowly and tenderly forming one big we. Individuals sharing their stories of intention to one strong carpet, that can carry all of them.
🌑 A new born community that holds itself so strongly and yet so tenderly that its members dare to emotionally open up to all the unbearable that is currently happening in the world, dare to sense into the darkness and pain and meet each other with their emotional reaction.
🌟 Firekeepers committed to stick to hope, to keep up their work.
🔥 «Protect the flame», Otto Scharmer said, quoting Joseph Beuys.
This flame is burning, it keeps on burning in my heart ever since.
About the image: Generative Scribing is a social art that supports group processes by visualizing their discussion with a focus on everything that lies in between and UNDER the surface: the dynamic of the conversation, mental models and the atmosphere of the session. The aim is to surface the highest future potential of the group, something that is already there but not visible yet.